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Search Results for: magnets

...  advertising of magnets. Office of Fair Trading acts A major problem in stopping CAM fraud is ...  caused by a specified physiological mechanism, due to the magnets they contain the therapeutic effect of the products, due to the magnets they contain, is clinically proven or established by scientific trials, ...

...  magnets in the hope of benefit is one of the best know delusions (see below). ...  have noticed the endless evidence from other sources that magnets are boloney (see below) And the the PPA do not seem to have noticed ...  £135 for a consultation for which you’ll get magnets and phony nutrient treatment. ...

Jump to latest diary entries This is a story of everyday researchers and teachers, struggling to do their job in a world pervaded by management bollocks. This page is a continuation of the diary that started in June 2007, with the demise of UCL’s  ...

Jump to follow-up DOI: 10.15200/winn.142809.94999 The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the latest in a series of 6-yearly attempts to assess the quality of research in UK universities. It’s used to decide how to allocate about £1.6 billi ...