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Search Results for: Sokal

...  I got another shock when I saw that Alan Sokal was also involved with the Free Speech Union.  I loved Sokal’s book, Intellectual Impostures, in which he, with Jean Bricmont, talk ...  to the hard right? Declaration of interest. I count Sokal, McCartney and Cohen as friends. I have huge respect for all of them.  ...

...  both of these papers bear a close resemblance to Alan Sokal’s famous spoof paper, Transgressing the boundaries: towards a transformative hermeneutics of quantum gravity (Sokal, 1996).  The acceptance of this spoof by a journal, Social Text, and the ...

...  C. McLachlan of Durham University. He’s now the Alan Sokal of “Integrative medicine”. 15 December 2010. Still stuck at ...  can be of any dimension. All this sounds very like Alan Sokal’s famous spoof that revealed the baselesness of ...  mis-use of scientific and mathematical vocabulary. Sokal’s essay Pseudoscience and Postmodernism: Antagonists or ...

...  Luce Irigaray.  I learned of her through reading Sokal & Bricmonts wonderful book. Intellectual Imposters    Short ...  Irigaray is another who gets whole-chapter treatment from Sokal and Bricmont. In a passage reminiscent of a notorious feminist ...