Download Lectures on Biostatistics (1971).
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Well this beats everything. Following the advice of the PPA, I re-submitted my request under the Freedom of Information Act to the Department of Health (DoH), which is where the PPA claimed to to have sent very single bit of information concerning their decision to make magnetic ulcer treatment available on the NHS.

When I mananged to decode the result (the DoH seem incapable of sending legible emails) this is what they said.

As you are aware, the decision by the PPA to allow Magnopulse;s 4Ulcercare on Part IX of the Drug Tarriff is a recent one and the documentation that went along with the application are still very much restricted as “commercially sensitive”. We have therefore decided to withhold this information under the FOI Act.

Section 43: Commercial Interests
Section 43 exempts information whose disclosure would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of any person. It also includes a specific exemption for trade secrets

Trade secrets in magnets? They are one of the oldest scams of the health fraud industry! Are the DoH really so enthusiastic to protect these non-existent trade secrets? (The company whose trade secrets the DoH are so eager to protect are under invesitgation by the Office of Fair Trading!) Or is the DoH merely colluding to cover up the cockup at the PPA?

Either way, the Freedom of Information Act 2000 has yet to prove it’s worth the paper it’s written on.

Why not write to your MP to ask them to approach the DoH about this absurd misuse of the Act?

I have requested an internal investigation by the DoH. Next the appeal goes to the Ombudsman.

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