Download Lectures on Biostatistics (1971).
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Download review of Lectures on Biostatistics (THES, 1973).

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One problem with the corporatisation of univerities is that it creates groups that are so large that their heads lose contact with scholarship. There is a perfect example in an advertisement for the Head of the Medical Sciences Division at Oxford.

“The Head of Division is responsible for the management and academic leadership of the division.”

” . . . candidates with appropriate academic standing will be considered and there may be some scope for the appointee to continue to pursue their personal research interests.”

In other words, a person who might otherwise have contributed to knowledge will have so much administration that they will no longer be able to do so. Jobs like that aren’t likely to appeal to good researchers anyway. How can someone like that provide academic leadership? And how is it that we managed quite well before this extra layer of administration was inserted between academics and deans?

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