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There will soon be an election for the leader of the Green Party of England and Wales.  I support Dr Sexton for the job. Here’s my endorsement. I’ll say why below.

I support Dr Sexton as a candidate to lead the Green Party (England and Wales). She said

“The Green Party is a political party, not a lifestyle movement”.

That’s perceptive. For too long the Green party in the UK has been regarded as marginal, even as tree-huggers. That’s the case despite their success in local government and in other European countries which have fairer voting systems.

She continued

“We need to be serious about inclusion, serious about evidence, and serious about winning elections.”

They are all good aims. As somebody with three degrees in mathematics, she’s better qualified to evaluate evidence than just about any of our members of parliament, for most of whom science is a closed book.

Her breadth of experience is unrivalled. As well as mathematics, she has excelled in music and has been a champion athlete. Winning is her speciality. I believe that she has what it takes to win in politics too.

Here is her first campaign video.

Why am I endorsing Dr Sexton?

Like many people I know, I’ve been politically homeless for a while.  I could obviously  never vote Conservative, especially now that they’ve succumbed to a far-right coup.  In the past, I’ve voted Labour mostly but I couldn’t vote for Jeremy Corbyn.  I’ve voted Lib Dem in some recent elections, but it’s hard to forgive what they did during the coalition.  So what about the Green Party?  I voted for them in the European elections because they have a fair voting system. I would have voted for them more often if it were not for our appallingly unfair first-past-the-post system. So why now?

Firstly, the Greens are growing. They are well represented in the European parliament, and increasingly in local government. Secondly the urgency of doing something about climate change gets ever more obvious.  The Greens are also growing up.  They are no longer as keen on alternative pseudo- medicine as they once were. Their anti-scientific wing is in retreat. And Dr Sexton, as a person who is interested in evidence, is just the sort of leader that they need to cement that advance.

That’s why I decided to join the Green Party to vote for her to be its leader.

If you want to know more about her, check her Wikipedia page. Or watch this video of an interview that I did with her in 2018.

You can also check her campaign website.

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6 Responses to Dr Rosi Sexton for leader of the Green Party

  • Brian Clegg says:

    I don’t think I could support the Green Party, and treat them as taking science seriously, unless they moved away from their knee-jerk opposition to nuclear power – is their viewpoint likely to change if Rosi Sexton were leader?

  • It’s got a better chance of changing with Sexton as leader than with anyone else.

  • On nuclear power, I’ve come reluctantly, to the conclusion, that it will probably be necessary to bridge the gap. But it’s outrageously expensive to build and even more expensive to decommission. And I’m unconvinced by anyone who claims that the radioactive waste can be stored safely for 100,000 years.

    • Frank Collins says:

      Nuclear power is the only real ‘green’ alternative, and nuclear waste isn’t the problem it is made out to be.
      I don’t think think destroying the environment to save the climate makes any sense at all.

    • I certainly agree that nuclear fission will be necessary for some time to come. The Greens in Germany made a big mistake in phasing it out and making Germany so reliant on Russia. But nuclear waste is a real problem. It needs to be stored safely for 1000s of years. That is a very long time and it is quite impossible for anyone to guarantee safety for that length of time. Perhaps nuclear fusion will become feasible? Failing that, energy-storage may develop sufficiently that we can rely entirely on wind and solar.

  • Iain Dickson says:

    I also believe that the Green Party need to be seen as a credible political party that not only fight for the environment but also take social and economic issues equally seriously and will fight on issues such as: poverty, homelessness, social & care, pay & conditions at work with the same commitment and energy that we do for green and environmental issues. 

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