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Search Results for: university of westminster

Jump to latest diary entries This page is a continuation of the diary that started in June 2007, with the demise of UCL’s ...  revealed an encouraging unanimity about how to run a university. 18 July 2010. Our senior, and quite brilliant postdoc, Remigijus ...

...  on the contrary, it would add to the dangers, by giving an official stamp of approval while doing nothing for safety. The ...  That’s easy to see. Governments, quangos and university validation committees simply don’t look.  They tick ...  particular slides are from the University of Westminster, but similar courses exist in only too many other places.  ...

...  that might make it more convincing. Use any parts of them you want in your own response. Submission to the Department of Health, ...  Principal and Vice-Chancellor of The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. The reason thet the report is so disastrously bad in its ...

...  has been in the news since, in a moment of madness, NICE gave it some credence, Some people still seem to think that ...  into my possession. It is this year’s exam from the University of Salford. Salford has, very sensibly, now decided to stop all its ...  of Central Lancashire, And even the University of Westminster is working on closing them. All we need now is for the common ...

Jump to latest diary entry This is a story of everyday researchers and teachers, struggling to do their job in a world ...  be made in administration costs, rather than the core university business of teaching and research, as reported in Universities told ...  email about “Shaping the Curriculum for the Global University”. This prompted a ‘reply to all’ Could you ...

...  to follow-up The Prince of Wales’ Foundation for Integrated Health (FiH) is a propaganda ...  Clinical Director and Professor of Integrated Healthcare, University of Westminster I first met David Peters after Nature ran my article, Science ...

...  closing. Is it a victory for campaigners, or just the end of the Blair/Bush era? The Guardian carries a nice article by Anthea Lipsett, ...  he would like.” Well you can say that again. The University of Westminster has refused to send me anything much, and has used ...

...  time to time, Private Eye Magazine takes a look at university vice-chancellors (aka presidents/rectors/principals) in its High ...  issue (No, 1239, 20, Feb – 5 Mar, 2009) features Professor Geoffrey Petts, vice-chancellor of the University of Westminster, Well ...

...  heard, in January 2011, that Barts has a new Dean of Education, and no longer teaches about alternative medicine in the way that ...

...  for many deaths form AIDS in Africa, as a result of peddling vitamin pills as cures.  The action was taken after Goldacre ...  No prizes for realising it is the UK’s leading university purveyor of woo. The University of Westminster On their web site we ...

...  to follow-up The publication of Gilbey’s paper and my editorial in the New Zealand Medical Journal ...  UK’s Department of Health” and “several university vice chancellors”. The views of the Davenport Leader on ...  was part of an accredited course (at the University of Westminster) too. Need I say more? Now to the real heart of the problem, namely ...

...  on article in today’s edition about the misuse of the title ‘doctor’ by chiropractors [download pdf]. Titles are ...  of the UK’s Department of Health, and of several university vice-chancellors in 2007. Do the treatments work? Neither Gilbey nor ...

...  to follow up A report has appeared on Regulation of Practitioners of Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine. ...  it that a health joutnalist can do so much better than a university head? Yes, the chair of the steering group is Professor R. Michael ...