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Search Results for: "University of Westminster"

...  heard, in January 2011, that Barts has a new Dean of Education, and no longer teaches about alternative medicine in the way that ...

...  2009. It was prompted by the news from the University of Salford, but its main purpose was to try to point out to the Department of Health that you can’t hope to regulate alternative treatments in any ...

...  to the vice-chancellor of the University of Salford, Michael Harloe. Times Higher Education announced on 15th January ...  to shut complementary medicine BSc. “The University of Salford is to stop offering undergraduate degrees in acupuncture and ...

...  to follow-up It seems that validation committees often don’t look beyond the official documents. As a result, the validations may not be worth the paper they are written on. Try this one. One of the best bits of news recently was the downfall of Matthias Rath.  ...

...  for many deaths form AIDS in Africa, as a result of peddling vitamin pills as cures.  The action was taken after Goldacre ...  pills are better than medication”. Here is some of what has appeared already today Fall of the doctor who said his vitamins ...

...  to follow-up The publication of Gilbey’s paper and my editorial in the New Zealand Medical Journal (NZMJ) led to a threat of legal action by the NZ Chiropractors’ Association Inc for alleged ...  After publishing a defiant editorial, the editor of the NZMJ offered chiropractors the chance to put their case. In the last ...

...  first major victory in the battle for the integrity of universities seems to have been won. This email was sent by Kate Chatfield ...  in homeopathic medicine at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN). from Kate Chatfield… Dear ...  upon this area and homeopathy research for the time being. Of late UCLan has been the subject of many attacks by the anti-homeopathy ...

...  on article in today’s edition about the misuse of the title ‘doctor’ by chiropractors [download pdf]. Titles are not the only form of deception used by chiropractors, so the article looks at some of the others ...

...  to follow up A report has appeared on Regulation of Practitioners of Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine. The report is ...

...  year, Nature published a pretty forthright condemnation of the award of Bachelor of Science degrees in subjects that are not science: in fact ...

...  entry . .Jump to comments In Memoriam Department of Pharmacology, UCL 1905 – 2007 On June 13th 2007, UCL’s Council endorsed the wish of the provost to disestablish all departments in the Faculty of Life Sciences ...