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Search Results for: MHRA herbal

...  to mean.  Any qualified homeopath or herbalist will, no doubt, be eligible.  University College London ...  seems to condemn the (mis)labelling allowed by the MHRA as breaking the rules.. Sadly, though, the ASA has no powers to enforce ...  and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) should be a top level defender of truth. Its strapline is "We ...

...  of science by people who should know better. Like the MHRA, the Department of Health, Big Pharma, and even the Briish Pharmacological ...  to Magic Medicine got cited in the House of Lords. “Herbal medicine: giving patients an unknown dose of an ill-defined drug, of ...

...  an internal review of their courses in homeopathy. herbalism and acupuncture. The report of this review closed down all of them in ...  from either that has marketing authorisation from the MHRA, though the MHRA has betrayed its trust by allowing misleading labelling ...

...  government decision concerning statutory regulation of herbalists, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and acupuncture came out ...  an analysis of responses to the consultation, but the MHRA says "The Health Professions Council (HPC) has now been asked to ...

...  (and delighted) to find that two staff members of the MHRA were sitting in on the talk. If nothing else, it was a chance to remind ...  interview that I did for BBC News Business, about the new Herbal medicine regulations. BBC Business News 16 January 2010 with Nigel ...

...  Health and a few vice-chancellors.  Even NICE and the MHRA have not helped much.  The response of the royal colleges to the ...  the desirability of statutory regulation of acupuncture, herbal and traditional Chinese medicine (the Pittilo recommendations) ...

...  Pittilo report are that Practitioners of Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine should be subject to statutory ...  already the responsibility of Trading Standards and the MHRA. Regulation by the HPC would not help at all. The HPC is not competent to ...

...  been translated into Belorussian.. Chinese medicine and herbal medicine are in the news at the moment.  There is a real risk that ...  and his herbal ‘remedies’ were zapped by the MHRA (Medicines and Health Regulatory Authority). And of course the antioxidant ...

...  report [download pdf]. What is taught in degrees in herbal and traditional Chinese medicine? [download pdf] $2.5B Spent, No ...  the HPC. The Medicines and Health Regulatory Authority (MHRA) already deals with the licensing of herbal medicines. and, despite the ...

...  to the Department of Health that entry into acupuncture, herbal medicine and traditional Chinese medicine should “normally be through ...  the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), have consistently failed to grasp the nettle of deciding which ...

...  Pretty yummy if you can afford them. The move of HRH into herbal concoctions was first noted in the blogosphere (as usual) in December, ...  different because they appear to have the blessing of the MHRA. The behaviour of the MHRA in ignoring the little question of whether the ...

...  by the Department of Health has obscured reality. Even the MHRA was persuaded to allow misleading labelling of homeopathic and herbal “remedies”. thus betraying its job.  In its own words ...

...  below that The Prince of Wales is intending to sell herbal concoctions, so perhaps he could end up in court too. The laws We are ...  appropriate agency (though one hesitates to suggest the MHRA after their recent pathetic performance in this area). Who can be ...

...  is routine.  My first encounter was when a couple of herbalists threatened to sue UCL because I said that the term ‘blood ...  given by the Medicines and Health Regulatory Authority (MHRA) gave for allowing false labelling of homeopathic pills was to support the ...

...  facts. If this attitude were restricted to half-educated herbalists and crackpot crystal gazers, perhaps one could shrug it off. But it ...  work”, changed the rules to allow homeopathic and herbal products to be labelled, misleadingly, with “traditional” ...